There are certain restrictions placed on marina ownership, which are strictly enforced. Before anyone can purchase a marina, or even put down a deposit, the following requirements must be covered:

    • The purchaser must be an inducted member of the False Bay Yacht Club.
    • The purchaser must be a paid up member of the Simon’s Town Marina Company.
    • No member may own more than 3 individual marinas.
    • An owner may sub-let his marina, but only to a FBYC member or temporary member (booked in visitor).
    • Owners may only allow vessels with a current CoF (Certificate of Fitness) to make use of their mooring.
    • Owners must insure that vessels have a minimum of 3rd party insurance.
    • When moorings are leased out, owners remain responsible for the conduct and legality of vessels on their moorings.


(extract from the Articles of Association)

There are certain restrictions placed on marina ownership, which are strictly enforced. Before anyone can purchase a marina, or even put down a deposit, the following requirements must be covered:

    • The purchaser must be an inducted member of the False Bay Yacht Club.
    • The purchaser must be a paid up member of the Simon’s Town Marina Company.
    • No member may own more than 3 individual marinas.
    • An owner may sub-let his marina, but only to an FBYC member or temporary member (booked in visitor).
    • Owners may only allow vessels with a current CoF (Certificate of Fitness) to make use of their mooring.
    • Owners may only allow vessels with a current CoF (Certificate of Fitness) to make use of their mooring.
    • When moorings are leased out, owners remain responsible for the conduct and legality of vessels on their moorings.


Mooring contracts may be suspended, rescinded, cancelled or terminated by the Company in the following events:

    • If a member ceases for any reason to be a fully paid up FBYC member in good standing;
    • If any disciplinary measures are taken against a member;
    • If a member fails to pay Levies timeously after written notice;
    • If a member or sub-user commits a breach of the Terms & Conditions and fails to remedy such breach;
    • If a member or sub-user consistently breaches any of the Terms and Conditions;

Written notice shall be given to the member in breach calling on him to remedy such breach within 7 (seven) days after delivery. Upon termination of the contract, any vessel may be removed at the cost and expense of the member, by the directors who shall not be held liable for any damages to such vessel. Until such time the vessel is removed, the member shall be liable for any and all levies. The member, in respect of any mooring rights, shall have no claim whatsoever against the Club or Company. In the event that any member institutes proceedings against any of the directors of the Company (in respect of any act or conduct or omission by any of them in the discharge of their duties to the Company), the Company shall be liable for all costs incurred by such directors in defending such proceedings, including legal costs to an attorney-an-own-client scale.


The Simon’s Town Marina is tucked in behind the naval harbour wall, well protected from the strong Cape South Easter wind in summer and sheltered from the North Wester in winter. The marina consists of 260 walk on moorings and a number of swing moorings for members of False Bay Yacht Club and visitors, both local and international. The marina and club face into the north, picking up all the sunlight for the benefit of all making use of the lawns and Pier 23 Restaurant.

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